But it was this conquest by Pompeius Magnus that first introduced so general a taste for pearls and precious stones; just as the victories, gained by L. Scipio[1] and Cneius Manlius,[2] had first turned the public attention to chased silver, Attalic tissues, and banquetting-couches decorated with bronze; and the conquests of L. Mummius had brought Corinthian bronzes and pictures into notice.
(2.) To prove more fully that this was the case, I will here
give the very words of the public Registers[3] with reference
to the triumphs of Pompeius Magnus. On the occasion of his
third triumph, over the Pirates and over the Kings and nations
of Asia and Pontus that have been already enumerated in the
Seventh Book[4] of this work, M. Piso and M. Messala being
There was a likeness also in pearls of Pompeius himself, his
noble countenance, with the hair thrown back from the forehead,
delighting the eye. Yes, I say, those frank features, so
venerated throughout all nations, were here displayed in pearls!
the severity of our ancient manners being thus subdued, and
the display being more the triumph of luxury than the triumph
of conquest. Never, most assuredly, would Pompeius have so
long maintained his surname of "Magnus" among the men of
that day, if on the occasion of his first[10] conquest his triumph
had been such as this. Thy portrait in pearls, O Magnus! those
resources of prodigality, that have been discovered for the
sake of females only! Thy portrait in pearls, refinements in
luxury, which the Roman laws would not have allowed thee to
wear even! And was it in this way that thy value must be appreciated?
Would not that trophy have given a more truthful likeness
of thee which thou hadst erst erected upon the Pyrenæan[11]
mountain heights? Assuredly such a portrait as this had been
no less than a downright ignominy and disgrace, were we not
bound to behold in it a menacing presage of the anger of the
gods, and to see foreshadowed thereby the time when that head,
now laden with the wealth of the East, was to be displayed,
severed from the body.[12]
But in other respects, how truly befitting the hero was this triumph! To the state, he presented two thousand millions of sesterces; to the legati and quæstors who had exerted themselves in defence of the sea coast, he gave one thousand millions of sesterces; and to each individual soldier, six thousand sesterces. He has rendered, however, comparatively excusable the Emperor Caius,[13] who, in addition to other femmine luxuries, used to wear shoes adorned with pearls; as also the Emperor Nero, who used to adorn his sceptres with masks worked in pearls, and had the couches, destined for his pleasures, made of the same costly materials. Nay, we have no longer any right, it would seem, to censure the employment of drinking-cups adorned with precious stones, of various other articles in daily use that are similarly enriched, and of rings that sparkle with gems: for what species of luxury can there be thought of, that was not more innocent in its results than this on the part of Pompeius?